About Us

Ebenezer International School

EIS is situated in Bashundhara residential area to the north of Dhaka city. It is purpose-built and has air-conditioned rooms including laboratories for science and computer, art rooms, and a 150-seat library. In addition, there is playground.

The EIS faculty and staff consist of a Principal, a Vice-Principal, an Executive Director, Finance, HR and Admin officersIn-Charge teachers, Common/Subject Teachers, a Librarian. The countries represented on faculty and staff are from Bangladesh and South Korea.

Admin Staff
Academic Staff
Support Staff
Ebenezer International School at a Glance
Student Nationalities
Average Class Size
Qualified Staff
Extra Curricular Activities
Vision of EIS

To provide our students with a holistic education including cognitive, social and emotional development.

Mission of EIS

The mission of EIS is to prepare students for God’s peace by developing knowledge, faith, understanding and skills across a seamless curriculum.

By providing a high-quality, child-centered education EIS seeks to promote global leadership in students who are equipped with confidence, responsibility and creativity.

EIS Values
  • Excellence in Academics
  • Behavior for Social Improvement
  • Extra-curricular Activities
  • Network Building
  • Enhancement of Essential Skills and Knowledge
  • Zeal for Innovation
  • Experiential Learning
  • Rationality